The Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act (COPE) Act is supposed to be a good thing. Turns out that it’s been hacked quite a bit by various people (aka special interest groups) to allow them to disregard the network neutrality agreements. What is network neutrality? Check out the wikipedia link (new window) for more info.
Basically, the way things are worded now, if the bill becomes a law, then your ISP will be able to “tax” websites for access to their customers. If, say, Google doesn’t pay the fee, then an ISP could slow customer access to the website, or block it entirely. They could even, theoretically, make it so that when you go to Google, you end up at their own search engine. And blogs that are critical of the ISP? Oh darn, you no longer have access to that site – it’s now on the black list.
It would also allow companies to do whatever they wanted on their own networks – in the mid-90’s, Cox Cable blocked the common ports used for VPN access – “forcing the state of Washington, for example, to contract with telecommunications providers to be sure its employees had access to unimpeded broadband for telecommuting applications.” (Wikipedia).
If you enjoy the internet the way it is now – where you can access a wide variety of information in a timely manner (based on the level of your internet access, of course), then you need to take action.
You can:
Contact your Congressperson (via the House website, or
Sign the Save the Internet Petition
Spread the word.
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